• Velas, Sara and Carlson, Ruby. “The Union Square Florist Shop: A Case of Spectral Immersion” Selected Proceedings from the 30th IPC Conference, IPC Journal, Volume 5, 2022
• Velas, Sara and Carlson, Ruby. “Twenty Years Hidden in Plain Site” Selected Proceedings from the 29th IPC Conference, IPC Journal, Volume 4, 2021 ISSN: 2571-7863
• Velas, Sara. "On 'The Grand Moving Mirror of California' at the Velaslavasay Panorama" More than Meets the Eye - The Magic of the Panorama. Ed. Koller, Gabriele. Amberg, GERMANY: International Panorama Council & Büro Wilhelm, 2019. ISBN: 978-3-948137-08-3
• Velas, Sara and Carlson, Ruby. “Shengjing Panorama: A Landmark 360° Collaboration between the Velaslavasay Panorama and Experts of Chinese Panorama Painting,” Memory and the Panorama, Selected Proceedings from the 27th IPC Conference, IPC Journal, Volume 2, 2019 ISSN: 2571-7863
• Velas, Sara. "Lost Caller." Streetnotes - Volume 25 - Public Space: Between Spectacle and Resistance. Ed. de La Barre, Jorge and Momchedjikova, Blagovesta, 2016. ISSN: 2159-2926
• Velas, Sara. "The Velaslavasay Panorama." The Panorama in the Old World and the New. Ed. Koller, Gabriele. Amberg, GERMANY: International Panorama Council & Büro Wilhelm, 2010. ISBN: 978-3-936721-36-2
• Velas, Sara. "≪Effulgence of the North≫: Historic Influences and Technological Inspiration." Сильное и Красивое Искусство Будущего/Impressive and Beautiful Art of Future - Materials of the International Scientific Conference to the 150th Anniversary of Franz Roubaud, Eds. Guerassimova, Galina and Zboevskaya, Marins. Moscow, RUSSIA: SOREC-polygraphy, 2006.
• Velas, Sara. "The Velaslavasay Panorama." The Panorama Phenomenon. Eds. Rombout, Ton and van den Braak, Rob. Den Haag, NETHERLANDS: B.V. Panorama Mesdag, 2006. ISBN: 90-72084-35-7